Murder by Vehicle

Murder by vehicle occurs in small numbers every year. These are often tracked as a vehicle accidents, so good numbers are not available for how many people are killed this way each year. Many of the cases are the end result of a domestic argument or dispute, or as the result of inebriation (1,2). It appears this is predominantly a female-chosen method for murder. The two cases discussed today were apparently done in a heat of passion.


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Thank you for listening – if you enjoyed this episode please leave a positive review and rating on apple podcast or your podcast player of choice, it really does help. 

You can find us on most social media channels, Twitter @tcfcpod,, Instagram @truecrimefanclubpod & of course, our website is

If you have an episode suggestion, send us an email at 

This episode was researched and written by Suzy St. John. 

Content Editing by Brittney Martinez

Produced by Neeks at WeTalkofDreams – check him out on Twitter @wtod or 

Interested in my audiobook, download it on audible now: The Little Demons Inside, by Micah Thomas

Deadly Jealousy

In the United States, it is believed nearly 10 million people experience domestic abuse every year. According to the National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, about 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner. Victims are often isolated by their partners, leaving them disconnected from their family and friends. Victims are often ashamed of the abuse and are afraid of their abusers.

If you, or a loved one, are the victim of domestic violence, please call 1-800-799-SAFE (7233). The free phone, 24-hour National Domestic Abuse Helpline in the UK is 0808 2000 247

Husband 'likely' involved in killings of wife, her mother | The Fresno Bee
Cynthia Houk & Jennifer Dupras

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Thank you for listening – if you enjoyed this episode please leave a positive review and rating on apple podcast or your podcast player of choice, it really does help. 

You can find us on most social media channels, Twitter @tcfcpod,, Instagram @truecrimefanclubpod & of course, our website is

If you have an episode suggestion, send us an email at 

This episode was researched and written by Suzy St. John. 

Content Editing by Brittney Martinez

Produced by Neeks at WeTalkofDreams – check him out on Twitter @wtod or 

Interested in my audiobook, download it on audible now: The Little Demons Inside, by Micah Thomas

Curtis Don Brown w/ Hannah of The Boozy Movies Podcast

Welcome back to the True Crime Fan Club podcast. I’m your host, Hannah, of the Boozy Movies Podcast, filling in for Lanie, who is on maternity leave. In the days before DNA was used in criminal investigations, some cases were solved by a perfect storm of events. Today we discuss a serial killer who was caught and arrested by walking with two purses taken off his latest victim. Okay…onto the show.

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Boozy Movies | Libsyn Directory
Boozy Movies ShowTwitter & TikTok: @boozymoviesshowFB Group: Boozy Movies Drinking Buddies

Ok fan club members, as I conclude this episode. My one question to you is… How will you sleep tonight?

Thank you for listening – if you enjoyed this episode please leave a positive review and rating on apple podcast or your podcast player of choice, it really does help. 

You can find us on most social media channels, twitter @tcfcpod,, instagram @truecrimefanclubpod & of course our website is truecrimefanclub.comi

If you have an episode suggestion, send us an email at 

This episode was written and researched by Suzy St. John

Content Editing by Brittney Martinez

Produced by Neeks at

Boys on the Tracks – Guest Hosts: All Crime No Cattle

Welcome back to the True Crime Fan Club podcast. We’re your guest hosts Erin and Shea of the All Crime, No Cattle podcast. We are sitting in for Lanie, who is on maternity leave. The case we are going to talk about today is likely familiar to true crime fans. Over the years, this case has become more than an unsolved mystery, it has also become one woman’s crusade for justice over the corruption and abuse of power by county, state, and even federal officials. The biggest source for this episode was Mara Leveritt’s book, The Boys on the Tracks.  Okay…onto the show.

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To listen to these new bonus episodes, follow Dr. Death on Amazon Music, Apple Podcasts, or
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All Crime No Cattle is an independent conversational true-crime podcast focused on crimes in the Lone Star State. ​Texas natives Erin and Shea host, produce, and research for each episode featuring cases big and small. They live in Fort Worth with the ACNC K9 Crime Unit, Nelson and Brienne, along with their crested gecko Asha and betta fish Sir Didymus. ​New episodes drop weekly. 
Because crime is bigger in Texas, y’all. Instagram: @allcrimenocattle, Twitter: @ACNCpodcast, Facebook: All Crime No Cattle

Ok fan club members, as we conclude this episode. Our one question to you is… How will you sleep tonight?

Thank you for listening – if you enjoyed this episode please leave a positive review and rating on apple podcast or your podcast player of choice, it really does help. 

You can find us on most social media channels, Twitter @tcfcpod,, Instagram @truecrimefanclubpod & of course our website is

If you have an episode suggestion, send us an email at 

This episode was written and researched by Suzy St. John, a native Arkansan

Content Editing by Brittney Martinez

Producer: Neeks at

Hadden Clark – Hosted by Eric of True Consequences

Welcome back to the TCFC podcast. I’m Eric from the podcast, True Consequences, filling in for Lanie, who is on maternity leave. Research shows that children who are severely abused as children are three times more likely to develop schizophrenia as an adult (13, 14). In addition, “neglect and abuse in childhood have been shown to contribute to an increased risk of future violence” (15). Although this isn’t a reason to excuse the behavior, it does explain why some men and women grow up to be violent. Okay…onto the show.

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Instagram: @truecrimefanclubpod
Twitter: @tcfcpod

Written & Researched by Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Audio Engineer: Nico ‘Neeks’ @

True Consequences Podcast

About Eric: Eric Carter-Landin was born and raised in New Mexico. As a child, Eric lived in poverty and watched his single mother struggle to make ends meet. When he was six (1986) his brother was murdered and the killer was never prosecuted. Because of this and because of the amount of unsolved or unresolved cases in New Mexico, Eric decided to create a podcast that focuses on crime in New Mexico. True Consequences is based in Albuquerque and was started to bring awareness to the general public about some of the most known and unknown cases. This is all done to try to affect change and leverage public awareness to help drive some of these cases from cold to solved. This will not be done overnight and will take the efforts of every listener and member of the public but together we can make an impact. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review.

Marie Pompilio – Hosted by Colleen from Misconduct

Welcome back to the TCFC podcast. I’m your guest host, Coleen, from Misconduct. Teen dating violence is a growing epidemic. A study published in the Journal of the Academic Medical Association in 2017 revealed that of the 2000 adolescent homicides between 2003 and 2016, 150 of these were committed by former boyfriends or girlfriends. 90% of these were female, with an average age of 17. In almost 80 percent of the cases, the male perpetrator was 18 years old or older (1). Today, we discuss an instance of break-up violence from 1988, before any real understanding of stalking behaviors or other red flags. Okay…onto the show.

Please follow Misconduct Podcast:

misconduct. A True Crime Podcast

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Instagram: @truecrimefanclubpod
Twitter: @tcfcpod

Written & Researched by Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Audio Engineer: Nico ‘Neeks’ @

The Bloody Bender Prototype Ft. Charlie of Crimelines

Charlie of the Crimelines Podcast is the guest host for this episode, focusing on the crimes of Patty Cannon. Slavery is a heinous crime against humanity, and history has made it no less so. When slavery was practiced in America, there were unscrupulous individuals who would kidnap freed blacks and sell them back into slavery, as was the case of Solomon Northup. The most notorious of these was also a female serial killer. Okay…onto the show.

Crimelines can be found on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok by searching for Crimelines True Crime

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Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @truecrimefanclubpod
Twitter: @tcfcpod

Written & Researched by Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Audio Engineer: Nico ‘Neeks’ @

The Wamsley Murders

As we have learned before, children kill their parents for many reasons: to stop abuse, because they are about to be cut off financially, as a result of a psychotic break. Today’s episode looks at another reason: greed. It also looks at how corrupt the justice system can be, and might leave you questioning how fair some sentences are. Okay…onto the show.

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Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @truecrimefanclubpod
Twitter: @tcfcpod

Written & Researched by Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Audio Engineer: Nico ‘Neeks’ @

Juan Chavez, Thrill Killer

Thrill killers are individuals who find “intense stimulation and excitement” by causing their victims pain or terror before their deaths. Once their prey is dead, they lose interest and often move onto another victim. These types of kills are typically not sexual and do not result in mutilation, as the power and pleasure come from the pain inflicted (1). Spree killers are those who kill at least three victims in a short period of time, usually close together chronologically, although separated geographically (2). Today’s episode discusses a murderer who falls into both categories.

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Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @truecrimefanclubpod
Twitter: @tcfcpod

Written & Researched by Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Audio Engineer: Nico ‘Neeks’ @

The Broken Bever Brothers

Parricide or familicide is rare, although these types of cases get so much media, making them seem more common than they are. Most of these types of murders are committed by a single individual, and in many cases, the perpetrator commits suicide after murdering their family members. Today is a rare instance of two perpetrators, both male, who did not commit suicide…because they had plans to kill hundreds of people.  Okay…onto the show.

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Check out our friend at Scare You To Sleep

Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @truecrimefanclubpod
Twitter: @tcfcpod

Written & Researched by Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Audio Engineer: Nico ‘Neeks’ @

Dimebag – REPLAY

Darrell ‘Dimebag’ Abbott was one of the founders of Pantera. His life was tragically ended when a crazed fan stormed the stage. His delusions caused him to believe that Pantera was stealing his thoughts. Dimebag was a born and bred Texas musician who is still fondly spoken about in the Dallas music scene.

R.I.P. Darell ‘Dimebag’ Abbott (August 20, 1966 – December 8, 2004)

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Thank you for listening – if you enjoyed this episode please leave a positive review and rating on apple podcast or your podcast player of choice, it really does help.

You can find us on most social media channels, twitter @tcfcpod,, instagram @truecrimefanclubpod & of course our website is

If you have an episode suggestion, send us an email at

Custom Music for the show was provided by We Talk of Dreams who created custom music, just for us. Check him out on Twitter @wetalkofdreams or

Research Assistance and Content Editing for the show was provided by: Brittney Martinez

Audio Engineering was provided by Chaes Gray who manages Chaes Gray Music

Amy Bishop

Males primarily carry out mass shootings. Females account for 4% of mass shootings in the US. Overall, women are less likely to commit homicide, period, with 10 to 13 percent of homicides in the US carried out by females. Women are also less likely to use firearms to carry out their homicidal impulses, with only 8 percent of firearm homicides committed by women (1). Today’s focus is on a woman who broke the norms in every way.


Ok fan club members, as I conclude this episode. My one question to you is… How will you sleep tonight?

Thank you for listening – if you enjoyed this episode please leave a positive review and rating on apple podcast or your podcast player of choice, it really does help.

You can find us on most social media channels, twitter @tcfcpod,, instagram @truecrimefanclubpod & of course our website is

If you have an episode suggestion, send us an email at

This episode was written and researched by Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Produced by Nico at

The Santa Murders

Your family is supposed to come before everything. So many of us learn this and abide by it. But there are some that break that sacred bond by destroying the family unit. When you demolish what matters most to you, what does that make you? Okay, on to the show…

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Written & Researched by Haley Gray
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Audio Engineer: Chaes w Gray Multimedia

Sex Gone Wrong – Mini Episode

A swingers’ lifestyle can be great for some, or it can be problematic for others. For one newly married couple, a wild night of sex and drugs turned deadly. Okay…onto the show.

Actora Bankhead was charged with two counts of murder for breaking the necks of two people after a group-sex session went awry. 

Check out the case here: 

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Thank you for listening – if you enjoyed this episode please leave a positive review and rating on apple podcast or your podcast player of choice, it really does help. 

You can find us on most social media channels, twitter @tcfcpod,, instagram @truecrimefanclubpod & of course our website is

If you have an episode suggestion, send us an email at 

This episode was written & researched by Suzy St. John

Audio Engineering: Chaes Gray @ Gray Multimedia

Content Editing by Brittney Martinez

The Cartel Blues

To many people, drug cartels are the stuff of fiction, as seen in movies and TV shows like Blow, Scarface, Ozark, Breaking Bad, and Weeds. But unfortunately approximately 150,000 homicide victims and their families know Mexican and Colombian cartels are all too real. Okay…onto the show.

The Toyota Sequoia pulling up ready to make the hit


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Written & Researched by Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Production: Nico at

The Yacht Murders

What would compel a mild mannered young father to not only brutally kill two complete strangers, but involve several people in the plot? When he revealed his reasons, was he telling the truth? Okay…onto the show.

Tom and Jackie Hawks


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Written & Researched by Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Production: Nico at

Daughters Who Kill

Lizzie Borden took an ax, gave her mother forty whacks. When she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty-one. Lizzie Borden is arguably the most infamous case of parricide, although she was acquitted of the murders of her father and step-mother. But, Lizzie was by no means the last time a daughter killed her father or had her father killed. Today’s perpetrators are far from a modern-day Lizzie Borden, but the acts were no less horrific.

Marlene Olive

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Twitter: @tcfcpod

Written & Researched by Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Production: Nico at

The Woman Who Stole Vermeer: A conversation W/ Author Anthony Amore

Rose Dugdale’s life is singularly notorious. Born into extreme wealth (she was a member of the last class of debutantes who were presented to the Queen), she abandoned her life as an Oxford-trained Ph.D. and heiress to join the cause of Irish Republicanism. While on the surface she appears to be the British version of Patricia Hearst, she is anything but. Dugdale ran head-first towards the action, spearheading the first aerial terrorist attack in British history by dropping bombs on a police station. Later, Dugdale was the mastermind and leader of the biggest art theft of her time, when she led a gang into the opulent Russborough House in Ireland to make off with millions in prized paintings, including a work by the mysterious master Johannes Vermeer. Dugdale thus became— to this day—the only woman to pull off a major art heist. The Woman Who Stole Vermeer will examine the likelihood that this was not her only such heist. Rose Dugdale was truly ahead of her time. It’s the perfect book for a wide audience. It will appeal to fans of true crime, fine art, and third-wave feminism.

Find more Anthony Amore here:
Support Independent Book Stores, consider buying the book here:

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twitter: @tcfcpod

Joel Guy Jr.

Money brings out the worst in many of us, even family members. As we have seen before, sons have even killed their parents for money. But rarely is a murder so meticulously planned out as the one we discuss this week.

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twitter: @tcfcpod

Written & Researched by: Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Production: Nico at

The Case of David Camm: did he do it?

Despite many advances in forensic science, people are still convicted on the testimony of people who call themselves experts. Some of the testimony and evidence is based on what lawyers and other scientists call junk science. For one man, junk science meant 13 years in prison, before the expert witness was finally debunked.


Public Goods: We worked out an exclusive deal just for the TRUE CRIME FAN CLUB podcast listeners. Receive $15 off your first Public Goods order with NO MINIMUM purchase. Just go to Http:// or use code TCFC at checkout.

Check out the ‘What Was That Like Podcast’:

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Instagram: @truecrimefanclubpod
twitter: @tcfcpod

Written & Researched by: Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Production: Nico at

GetVokl: Into The Forest And All The Way Through w. Author Cynthia Pelayo

Into The Forest And The Way Through (release date: August 28, 2020). It’s a sobering look at missing and murdered women of color whose stories often go ignored, their killers never held to account, and it’s a searing call to arms to examine these wounds.

Amazon link for further info:

Cynthia (Cina) Pelayo grew up in a haunted house with very superstitious parents in inner-city Chicago. She went on to pursue a Master of Fine Art in Writing at The School of the Art Institute of Chicago where she says she majored in the macabre. Pelayo’s short story collection, Loteria, is a collection of 54 short stories that explores Latin American superstition, folklore, legend, and myth.

She is the Publisher/Gravedigger of Burial Day Books, a boutique horror press. She lives with her husband and two angry Shih Tzus in the very neighborhood she was raised. She wears black—most of the time—and she stays out of the sun as much as (un)humanly possible.

Find Cina here:
Twitter: @Cinapelayo

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Instagram: @truecrimefanclubpod
twitter: @tcfcpod

Víctor Saldaño

Victor Saldano was convicted of murder and sentenced to death for a murder he committed in Plano, Texas. His mental state has declined severely and it brings into question, should we reconsider the death penalty for those who experience a severe mental defect as a result of the isolation they experience on death row? Share your thoughts below. 

Public Goods: We worked out an exclusive deal just for the TRUE CRIME FAN CLUB podcast listeners.
Receive $15 off your first Public Goods order with NO MINIMUM purchase. Just go to Http:// or use code TCFC at checkout.

Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @truecrimefanclubpod
twitter: @tcfcpod

This episode was written by Suzy St. John
Research: Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Production: Nico at

The Murder of Tara Grant

Passion fuels many emotions and reactions: love and lust, anger and murder. Today, we talk about one man’s fury and how it affected many lives. It’s unique, too, because quite a bit of information came out after the trial.


Public Goods: We worked out an exclusive deal just for the TRUE CRIME FAN CLUB podcast listeners.
Receive $15 off your first Public Goods order with NO MINIMUM purchase. Just go to Http:// or use code TCFC at checkout.

Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @truecrimefanclubpod
twitter: @tcfcpod

This episode was written by Suzy St. John
Research: Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Production: Nico at

Chris Dankovich

 Losing a loved one to murder is perhaps one of the most traumatic things a family can imagine. That trauma is further compounded when the death comes at the hands of someone the victim knew and loved, someone they trusted. Perhaps the most unimaginable of all is a murder committed against a mother, by her son – her own flesh and blood. Today we’ll discuss the tragic death of Diane Michele and how even though her son Christopher Dankovich brutally cut her life short, their family still found the compassion within their hearts to forgive him.  The family did this knowing that kindness is what Diane herself would have wanted, and they did their best to pull together and honor her death with love and forgiveness.

Visit and enter code TCFC at checkout to receive 20% off.
Visit & enter code TCFC at checkout to receive 20% off your purchase of $75 or more!

Chris Dankovich

Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @truecrimefanclubpod
twitter: @tcfcpod

This episode was written by Mari Cole
Research: Brittney Martinez and Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Production: Nico at

The Boles Family Massacre

The murder of an entire family is an incredible tragedy, but when no apparent motive exists, and the case remains unsolved, it is a double tragedy. Today’s episode is about a case that is 55 years old, with no arrests made, and very few clues to go on. These murders are plagued with more questions than answers.

Sponsors: Visit and enter code TCFC at checkout to receive 20% off.

Follow us on social media:
Instagram: @truecrimefanclubpod
twitter: @tcfcpod

This episode was written by Suzy St. John
Research: Brittney Martinez and Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Production: Nico at

A Gun In My Gucci w/ Author Elaine Smith

A Gun in My Gucci is a true story of two “outsiders” who helped bring down the Chicago Mob — the middle-aged mobster Ken “Tokyo Joe” Eto, and a determined young woman, Elaine Corbitt Smith. In the early 1980s, Joe Eto was the highest-ranking Asian-American mob associate in the country. His nemesis, rookie Elaine Smith was one of a few female Special Agents in the FBI at that time. Only three percent of FBI Agents were women in 1979. Her relentless pursuit of Eto resulted in his detention by the Bureau on interstate gambling charges. Afraid that he would “spill his guts”, Eto’s Mob bosses decided not to gamble on Joe’s ability to remain silent. He had to be eliminated and a “hit” was ordered. Joe Eto would never talk, nevertheless the Mob still tried to kill him. But the “hit” was botched and Tokyo Joe walked away with three bullets in his head. Alive, with his honor intact, he was now released from any loyalty to the mob. He was ready to talk, but only to Special Agent Elaine Smith. Over time, Eto’s testimony released a waterfall of evidence and information which led to arrests, convictions, and long sentences for many of Chicago’s top mobsters. A Gun in My Gucci reveals the special relationship between Joe Eto and his FBI handler Elaine Smith, who went from school teacher to crime-buster. Smith’s story exposes her tough climb up the ladder of acceptance and ultimate success as she broke into the macho, male-dominated criminal justice system, and helped take down the Chicago Outfit.

Learn more:

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Ghouls of New York

For most people, when they bury their loved ones, they expect to grieve and for the deceased to rest in peace. Unfortunately, throughout history, and even today, the deceased and their families fall victim to graverobbers, or bodysnatchers. Most people are not aware this gruesome practice still occurs, but in the mid-2000s, thousands of families discovered their loved ones’ corpses had been desecrated.

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twitter: @tcfcpod


Research & Writing: Suzy St. John
Content Editing: Brittney Martinez
Producer: Nico at

Savage Appetites: A conversation with author Rachel Monroe

This is a departure from what you’re used to hearing. Since I have been shuffling my recording equipment around, I didn’t have enough time to get my regular set up ready before needing to record this episode. Instead, I wanted to give you an idea of what our GetVokl streams are like. I would love for you to join me every Thursday at 7pm CST to talk with new authors and other true crime topics. We at TCFC thank you for your support and will have a regular episode next week!


Rachel’s book:

Support local book stores by purchasing from the link above instead of you know who lol

About the Author

Rachel Monroe is a writer and volunteer firefighter living in Marfa, Texas. Her work has appeared in The Best American Travel Writing 2018The New YorkerThe AtlanticThe New York TimesThe New York Times Magazine, and elsewhere.

Duty to Warn

The medical system prides itself on following the Hippocratic oath – never revealing the secrets of patients. Even in some legal cases, medical records cannot be released without subpoenas or warrants. This has made it possible for psychiatric patients to make threats while in therapy, without worrying their therapist will report the threats to the police or the intended victim. Today, we have three cases where victims and their families questioned whether therapists have a duty to warn.

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Research & Writing: Suzy St. John
Content Editing: Brittney Martinez
Producer: Nico at

Mia Zapata

The grunge rock scene exploded in Seattle, Washington, in the early ’90s. Bands like Nirvana were rising in popularity, but Seattle called itself home to many up and coming stars. Many of those bands vied for their chance to play at the Comet Tavern, a local bar that still stands today. Mia Zapata and her band, The Gits, were one of the grunge rock bands that were on their way to top. They put in the work, and while they weren’t overnight sensations, they rocked their way to a steady climb upwards. The Gits signed a record deal with the famed Atlantic Records, made an album, and scheduled a tour. Life was going exactly how Mia Zapata always dreamed it would. Until 1993, the night when the devil himself attacked Mia, brutally robbing her life and the world of her music.

Written By: Mari Cole

Researched & Edited: Brittney Martinez

Production: Nico @

The Wood Family Massacre

Florida is not a stranger to violent and shocking crimes. But, one crime in Tampa is still remembered for its brutality, over 30 years later. What caused a meek, mild-mannered man to slaughter an entire family, including an eight and a half-month old fetus, ripped from its mother’s belly?

Newton Slawson

Check out the Voices for Justice Podcast by Sarah Turney:

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Thank you for listening – if you enjoyed this episode please leave a positive review and rating on apple podcast or your podcast player of choice, it really does help. 

You can find us on most social media channels, twitter @tcfcpod,, instagram @truecrimefanclubpod & of course our website is

If you have an episode suggestion, send us an email at 

Written & Research By: Suzy St. John

Content Editing By: Brittney Martinez

Produced by Nico at

The Murder of Timothy MacNeil

Teenagers that kill aren’t widespread. Murderous youngsters is a disturbing thought for most people. An even more troubling idea is that those teenagers, a sibling duo no less, would plot and carry out a plan to murder the only adult that ever protected them. Together, 19-year old Nathaniel Gann and his 17-year old sister Brae Hansen killed their step-father, Timothy MacNeil, in cold blood. They did it simply because Timothy told Brae that she would have to move out of his house when she turned 18, which she deemed unacceptable. Nathan didn’t hesitate to help his sister with her deadly deed, agreeing to help kill the only man they ever considered a father. Murder most certainly is not the typical response to teenage anger. Today’s story is a tragic one, about a pair of siblings who killed, for no other motive than plain old selfishness.

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Thank you for listening – if you enjoyed this episode please leave a positve review and rating on apple podcast or your podcast player of choice, it really does help. 

You can find us on most social media channels, twitter @tcfcpod,, instagram @truecrimefanclubpod & of course our website is

If you have an episode suggestion, send us an email at 

Written By: Mari Cole

Researched & Edited By: Brittney Martinez

Produced by Nico at

Robert Carr

Very few rapists seem to be in touch with their sexual deviance and proclivities; fewer still ask to remain behind bars, to protect the public. But one mild-mannered, unassuming rapist-killer did just that, but was released on parole anyway. The results were devastating for many.

Robert Carr


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Thank you for listening – if you enjoyed this episode please leave a positive review and rating on apple podcast or your podcast player of choice, it really does help. 

You can find us on most social media channels, twitter @tcfcpod,, instagram @truecrimefanclubpod & of course our website is

If you have an episode suggestion, send us an email at 

This episode was written and researched by Suzy St. John

Content Editing by Brittney Martinez

Produced by Nico at

Cherish Perrywinkle

Listener discretion is strongly advised for this episode. There are approximately 750,000 registered sex offenders in the United States. These predators are bound by law to check in when they move, so children in the community can be protected. Unfortunately, the registry and prison does not always work for some offenders. Such was the case on June 21st, 2013, in Jacksonville, Florida, when a repeat offender selected his next victim. ok, on to the show. 

Cherish Perrywinkle


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Thank you for listening – if you enjoyed this episode please leave a positve review and rating on apple podcast or your podcast player of choice, it really does help. 

You can find us on most social media channels, twitter @tcfcpod,, instagram @truecrimefanclubpod & of course our website is

If you have an episode suggestion, send us an email at 

This episode was written and researched by Suzy St. John

Content Editing by Brittney Martinez

Produced by Nico at

Mark Stroman

The events of September 11th, 2001, left America reeling. Most of us felt bewildered, shocked, and saddened. We took those feelings and rallied together, doing whatever we could to help the victims of the worst terrorist attack to take place on American soil. But some of us couldn’t shake the overwhelming feeling of rage towards the perpetrators of the attack. They looked at their neighbors, the ones who spoke with certain accents, talked in different languages, or wore certain types of clothing and deemed them the enemy. Violence against the Muslim community, as well as those mistaken as Muslim, began in earnest as fear and anger began to take over a portion of the American population. One of those people was Mark Anthony Stroman, a man who saw himself as a patriot who was exacting revenge against the victims of 9/11 as he went on a killing spree in Dallas, Texas.

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Written By: Mari Cole & Brittney Martinez

Researched By: Brittney Martinez

Edited & Proofed By: Brittney Martinez

Produced By: Nico at Wetalkofdreams – Twitter:@wetalkofdreams or

Host: Lanie Hobbs

Sophia Torres

On a November night, in 1996, a reclusive, homeless Hispanic woman, named Sophia Torres, was walking to a friend’s home, around 10:00 at night. She took a shortcut through a dark park, but this decision cost her her life. With no leads, and no reason anyone would have to kill the shy woman, would her killer be found?

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Join us EVERY Thursday at 7pm CST on GetVokl – If you join GetVokl and subscribe to our channel – then you can email me a screen shot & your mailing address to to get a small goodie pack!

Tommy Martinez, P-13601

Join me on GETVOKL every Thursday at 7pm CST

Research / Writing: Suzy St. John
Content Editor: Brittney Martinez
Producer: Nico at
Host: Lanie

The Assassination of Det. Thomas Williams

On Halloween, 1985, an hour after leaving the courtroom, a Los Angeles Police Department Detective was assassinated in front of his small son. His last act of love was to protect his child. A police detective has many enemies, so would they find his killer?

Det. Thomas Williams


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Join me on GETVOKL every Thursday at 7pm CST

Research / Writing: Suzy St. John
Content Editor: Brittney Martinez
Producer: Nico at
Host: Lanie

Sante & Kenny Kimes

The bond between a mother and child is a strong one. Most mothers would do anything for their child and vice versa. Some would even kill for their child. But what happens when a mother recruits her son to aid in her life of crime, which included offenses ranging from petty theft to murder? That is precisely what happened with today’s story about Sante and her son, Kenny Kimes Jr. A mother-son duo that became unlikely, yet dangerous criminals, taking the lives of at least three innocent people.

Sponsors: Audible: or text TCFCP to 500-500 to get started!

Listen to Criminal Conduct: On September 2nd, 2010, 24-year-old Michelle O’Connell broke up with her boyfriend, St. Johns County Sheriff’s Deputy, Jeremy Banks. Minutes later, she was dead.

The St. Johns Sheriff’s Office quickly ruled the case a suicide, without examining crucial forensic evidence or interviewing any key witnesses. A medical examiner ruled her death a homicide, yet other investigations failed to gain traction. Her boyfriend, Deputy Jeremy Banks was never charged and is still working as a St. Johns County Sheriff’s Deputy.

Years later, an amateur sleuth named Eli Washtock winds up murdered after investigating Michelle O’Connell’s death. What did he find out?

‘Criminal Conduct’ is an investigative true crime podcast series hosted by John Taylor and Javier Leiva. The hosts retrace the footsteps of Eli Washtock, the slain sleuth; picking up the investigation where he left off.

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Co-Written By: Brittney Martinez & Mari Cole

Researched By: Brittney Martinez

Editing & Proofing By: Briana Morgan

Producer: Nico /

The Letters – E2

I’ve debated on how to proceed with the letters. At first, I wanted to share various inmates’ stories but, the person I speak to consistently is Milishia. So, this season if you will – I will be sharing our correspondence. Just a recap from episode one, I started my correspondence with inmates across various states over the summer. I wanted to reach out and have conversations with those who are overlooked because their crimes only made blips in the newspaper. I am not advocating or expressing support for these people or their crimes, however, I do want to share their stories. Perhaps you know someone who is incarcerated for similar crimes or maybe this is the first time you’re considering reaching out to an inmate.

Milisha’s Photo on WriteAPrisoner.Com

Milishia’s Info – You can write or JPay her w an attached stamp:

Milishia Gosha #1023682
Pulaski state prison 839
Hawkinsville, Ga 30136

If you would like to offer support for her legal fees: is the PayPal info [Please specify it is for her legal fund]

Producer: Nico at & Host: Lanie

The Amato Family Murders

When most people think about the state of Florida, they imagine happy thoughts of sun, sand, ocean, and Disney World. It is a vacation destination for most. The Amato family were life-long residents of Chuluota, Florida. They were a happy, fun-loving group that loved their home state very much. The family never missed a Florida Gators home game and were quite active in many outdoor sports. However, their sunny, happy lives came to a violent and bloody end on January 24th, 2018, when the youngest of the Amato boys, Grant, brutally murdered his mom, dad, and brother, all because they refused to continue bailing Grant out of trouble.

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Written By: Mari Cole

Researched By: Haley Gray

Content Editor: Brittney Martinez

Producer: Nico at We Talk of Dreams

Sabrina Limon

In his mind, their love affair was a modern-day David and Bathsheba. In the BIble, David sent Bathsheba’s husband, Uriah, off to the front during a war, so David and Bathsheba could be together. His plan worked, Uriah was killed, David’s reputation was spared, and he and Bathsheba were together, with no one else the wiser. If only it had been that easy for Jonathan Hearn and Sabrina Limon.

Sabrina & Robert Limon

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Show recommendation of the week – TRUE CRIME HISTORIAN. Download the Himalaya app or go to and enter promo code HISTORIAN at checkout to get 30 days of premium content, FREE!

Show recommendation of the week – OUT OF THE SHADOWS. Download the Himalaya app or go to and enter promo code SHADOWS at checkout to get 30 days of premium content, FREE!

Ron Lafferty

On the evening of July 24th, 1984, Brenda Lafferty and her daughter, Erica were brutally murdered in their little apartment in a small suburb of Salt Lake City called American Fork, Utah. The men that attacked Brenda and her child were on a mission. One of the attackers, Ron Lafferty, claimed God sent him on this mission to ‘remove’ Brenda and several others to right the wrongs he felt were committed against him. 

Find out more in this episode of The True Crime Fan Club Podcast.

Anaheim investigator Julissa Trapp is not like other detectives. She’s the only woman on the homicide squad, and a skilled chameleon: undercover cop in vice stings, crime-scene commander, patient confidante of killers. A master interrogator, she invokes her personal experience – and deepest griefs — as a tool to elicit confessions. When a young woman’s body is found at a trash-sorting plant, Trapp learns the murder may be linked to the disappearance of three other women in nearby Santa Ana. Trapp embarks on a dark journey that brings her face to face with a man who takes “a little piece of her soul.” Listen now at

Host: Lanie
Producer: We Talk of Dreams
Research/Editing: Brittney Martinez
Writing assistance: Mari Cole

Marvallous Keene – Bonus Episode

Dubbed the “Christmas Killings”, the murder rampage claimed the lives of six innocent victims, while injuring two more. What makes this story more tragic is that the killings, while completely random and senseless, were committed by a 19-year old named Marvallous Keene and three members of his teenage gang who called themselves the Downtown Posse.

The Downtown Posse

Sponsors: SimpliSafe – Visit to find out just how much you’ll save. And remember, this sale ends December 31st. Go NOW!

Show recommendation of the week – MORBIDOLOGY. Download the Himalaya app or go to and enter promo code MORBIDOLOGY at checkout to get 30 days of premium content, FREE!

Show recommendation of the week – WESTSIDE FAIRYTALES. Download the Himalaya app or go to and enter promo code WESTSIDE at checkout to get 30 days of premium content, FREE!

Written By: Mari Cole
Content Editing: Brittney Martinez
Produced: We Talk of Dreams 
Host: Lanie 

The Southside Strangler

In the late ’80s through the early ’90s, Timothy Wilson Spencer was mainly known to the world as The Southside Strangler. However, it was actually the groundbreaking DNA evidence that was used in connection to this case that makes it such an important and relevant case to this day. The same DNA evidence that easily connected Timothy Spencer to each of his cold-blooded murders was the same that was used, for the first time in United States history, to free David Vasquez, an innocent man, from a life sentence in prison for a horrific crime he didn’t commit.  

Timothy Spencer

Native: For  20%  off your first purchase, visit and use promo code TCFC during checkout!

Wondery: Anaheim investigator Julissa Trapp is not like other detectives. She’s the only woman on the homicide squad, and a skilled chameleon: undercover cop in vice stings, crime-scene commander, patient confidante of killers. A master interrogator, she invokes her personal experience – and deepest griefs — as a tool to elicit confessions. When a young woman’s body is found at a trash-sorting plant, Trapp learns the murder may be linked to the disappearance of three other women in nearby Santa Ana. Trapp embarks on a dark journey that brings her face to face with a man who takes “a little piece of her soul.” Listen now at

Best Fiends: Download Best Fiends FREE on the Apple App Store or Google Play.

Written By: Mari Cole

Researched By: Haley Gray

Edited/Proofread: Brittney Martinez

Produced: We Talk of Dreams

Host: Lanie

Meet The Bakers

Pastors are supposed to be beyond reproach and on a pedestal. What happens when one falls from grace, for having lust in his heart for a younger woman? Did he kill his wife, or did she take her own life? 

Show recommendation of the week – CRIME SALAD. Download the Himalaya app or go to and enter promo code SALAD at checkout to get 30 days of premium content, FREE!

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WINC: Discover great wine TODAY – go to, you’ll get $20 off your 1st shipment!!

Hello Fresh: Get 9 free meals with HelloFresh by going to and using code TCFC9.

Wondery: Anaheim investigator Julissa Trapp is not like other detectives. She’s the only woman on the homicide squad, and a skilled chameleon: undercover cop in vice stings, crime-scene commander, patient confidante of killers. A master interrogator, she invokes her personal experience – and deepest griefs — as a tool to elicit confessions. When a young woman’s body is found at a trash-sorting plant, Trapp learns the murder may be linked to the disappearance of three other women in nearby Santa Ana. Trapp embarks on a dark journey that brings her face to face with a man who takes “a little piece of her soul.” Listen now at

Written / Research: Suzy St.John
Producer: Nico @ We Talk of Dreams
Content Editor: Brittney Martinez
Host: Lanie