Hadden Clark – Hosted by Eric of True Consequences

Welcome back to the TCFC podcast. I’m Eric from the podcast, True Consequences, filling in for Lanie, who is on maternity leave. Research shows that children who are severely abused as children are three times more likely to develop schizophrenia as an adult (13, 14). In addition, “neglect and abuse in childhood have been shown to contribute to an increased risk of future violence” (15). Although this isn’t a reason to excuse the behavior, it does explain why some men and women grow up to be violent. Okay…onto the show.

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Written & Researched by Suzy St. John
Content Editing by Brittney Martinez
Audio Engineer: Nico ‘Neeks’ @ WeTalkofDreams.com

True Consequences Podcast

About Eric: Eric Carter-Landin was born and raised in New Mexico. As a child, Eric lived in poverty and watched his single mother struggle to make ends meet. When he was six (1986) his brother was murdered and the killer was never prosecuted. Because of this and because of the amount of unsolved or unresolved cases in New Mexico, Eric decided to create a podcast that focuses on crime in New Mexico. True Consequences is based in Albuquerque and was started to bring awareness to the general public about some of the most known and unknown cases. This is all done to try to affect change and leverage public awareness to help drive some of these cases from cold to solved. This will not be done overnight and will take the efforts of every listener and member of the public but together we can make an impact. Thanks for listening and don’t forget to subscribe, rate, and review.

One thought on “Hadden Clark – Hosted by Eric of True Consequences”

  1. Hi there…I’m the creator of Defense Diaries an Independent true crime podcast. It’s deep dive into a John Wayne Gacy case. My father was his attorney and he gave me 15 hours of his interviews with Gacy’s which I’ve incorporated into the podcast, which is serialized. I too am a criminal defense attorney of 20 years, so I really am bringing something different to the table as far as the narrative. We are now 9 Episodes in and we have done very very well both in downloads and in reviews. Obviously we don’t have the money that the big publishing houses house marketing so it’s been grassroots for us but we would love if you take the opportunity to give it a listen and potentially feature us. Thanks so much for your time.
    Bob Motta

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