The Most Dysfunctional Family in America, Pt. 1

The Most Dysfunctional Family In America
The Most Dysfunctional Family In America

Eddie Lee Sexton was the patriarch of a family ruled by his word. He was a user and master manipulator; he forced his children to commit heinous acts against each other and other innocent victims. Part one provides a foundation into the early life of the Sexton clan; Part two will complete the Sexton saga with the murder of two innocents.


Music in this episode:


“Anxiety”, “Come Play with Me”, “Gagool”, “Gathering Darkness”, “Hush”, “Penumbra”, “Phantasm”, “Quinn’s Song: First Night”, “The Reveal”
Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0

5 thoughts on “The Most Dysfunctional Family in America, Pt. 1”

  1. Hi! excellent podcast and thank you! I’m just wondering if you are whispering b/c it sounds like you are. I’ve turned the volume all the way up and still hear you only if very close to speaker and not making any other noise (like paper rustling or a car goes by). Need extra heavy-duty head phones to listen! It’s pretty grim stuff, so, maybe it’s totally intentional! Or maybe I’m going deaf, but if not and it matters to you, there it is. Thank you for your work.

    1. I just realized this is over a year old and maybe you’ve addressed this sound issue already. Either way, I understand if you delete 🙂

    1. Well, I think that was on purpose. I doubt Eddie wanted everyone to see what he was doing unless it was to terrorize them. You shouldn’t feel bad if you didn’t know.

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