The Springford Family Murders

The murder of parents by their children is called parricide. It accounts for approximately 2% of the homicides in the US, annually. Most of these tend to be committed by males, and typically, it’s a single victim and single offender. However, occasionally, both parents, to include a biological parent and stepparent, are murdered. In the case of multiple offenders, it’s usually adolescent females who have enlisted their boyfriend or friend’s assistance. Adult offenders of both sexes are usually mentally ill, whereas adolescents of both sexes are seeking to gain freedom. Female adolescents have usually been told they cannot date someone. Regardless of the reasons, parricide is shocking and leaves surviving relatives struggling to understand. The victims in today’s episode were wealthy, philanthropic, and the loving parents of two children.

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Brent and Charlotte Springford were found murdered inside their South Hull Street home the day after Thanksgiving. 

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Research & Writing: Suzy St. John
Content Editing: Brittney Martinez
Producer: Nico at

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