Missing: Sarah Stern – Patreon Episode Preview

As promised, here is a preview of the 1st Patron only episode.

If you have been following us on Facebook, then you are familiar with this case. This mini-episode will cover the disappearance of Sarah Stern. If you’re interested in hearing more, just contributing $1/month gets you more bonus episodes!


Thank you for listening, If you enjoyed this episode, please be sure to subscribe, rate & review on Apple Podcasts – it really helps us out.

You can find us on most social media platforms:

Twitter: @TCFCpod
You can also find us on Instagram tcfc_podcast

And of course, our website is Truecrimefanclub.com

If you have an episode request or general suggestions you can send us an email: tcfcpod@gmail.com

Our music for the show was provided by We Talk of Dreams who created custom music…just for the US! Check them out on twitter @wetalkofdreams

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