Head Researcher / Content Editor
Brittney Martinez has been a member of the true crime fan club since she was a little girl watching Rescue 911 and Unsolved Mysteries. She loves a good story so much, that she got her masters in Literature. One of her greatest passions is finding the story within the story and giving a voice to the people who normally do not have one. When she gets too overwhelmed with the true crime world, she enjoys video games, crafting, and cute puppy videos.
Twitter: @SiouxsieQ222

Nico is an ex-mathlete turned audio editor and composer. With all the looks of being Italian, yet being born and bred in West Yorkshire to balance everything out. When not producing podcasts or making music, you can find him cooking, hiking, watching Ghibli movies, and on his best days drinking his own body weight in tea whilst binge-watching Netflix. Currently living in Lancaster, Lancashire, hoping no one in the county realizes he’s from Yorkshire.
Twitter: @WeTalkofDreams

Want to hire Andrea? Check out her website: http://andreamarshbank.com/
Follow her on Twitter / Instagram: @andreamarshbank

Twitter: @serhawke

Guest Researcher / Writer
Haley Gray is a long-time devotee of podcasts, both behind the mic and as a listener, who has been podcasting regularly since May 2016. While podcasting, and finishing her undergraduate degree, Haley found that her passion lies in research. She enjoys finding all the bits and pieces that make a story come to life and communicating that information to hosts who then create a narrative.
Email: HaleyGrayResearch@gmail.com
Social media: @HGrayResearch on Twitter